Uncategorised World Pangolin Day celebrations highlight pangolin conservation in a critical year and decade for biodiversity
News Statement from Pangolin Specialist Group Chair on possible link between pangolins and coronavirus
NewsPublications IUCN Red List update highlights need for concerted conservation action for pangolins
Publications Snapped! Pangolins caught on camera: How global camera trap data can be used to monitor pangolins
Illegal TradePublications How many scales do pangolins have? This knowledge could help inform levels of threat and conservation action
ConferencesIllegal TradeNewsRaising Awareness World Governments Re-Affirm Commitments to Pangolins at CITES CoP18
Uncategorised Historical data for conservation: reconstructing range changes of Chinese pangolin in eastern China (1970–2016)
Uncategorised The complete family tree of extant pangolins provides suitable genetic markers for tracking the world’s most trafficked mammals
Uncategorised Scaling up Palawan Pangolin Conservation – Developing the First National Conservation Strategy for the Species
Uncategorised Celebrating World Pangolin Day and five years of the IUCN SSC Pangolin Specialist Group
NewsRaising Awareness Wildlife photography festival in France helps to scale up pangolin conservation
NewsPublications ‘Scaling Up Pangolin Conservation’ Action Plan launched as all pangolins now threatened with extinction