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Welcome to the IUCN SSC Pangolin Specialist Group website!

By 14th June 2012February 18th, 2016One Comment

The Pangolin Specialist Group (PangolinSG) is one of over 120 IUCN-SSC (World Conservation Union – Species Survival Commission) specialist groups, Red List Authorities and task forces working towards achieving the SSC’s vision of “a world that values and conserves present levels of biodiversity.”

The PangolinSG comprises a group of technical experts including biologists, zoologists, social scientists, veterinarians and advocates leading efforts to understand more about pangolins, the threats the face and how these threats can be addressed, facilitating the long term conservation of pangolins worldwide. As a member of the SSC, the PangolinSG’s roles include updating species assessments for the IUCN’s Red List of Threatened Species and providing advice to the IUCN and other conservation organisations, government bodies and multilateral environmental agreements where appropriate.

Our website is designed to be a resource for different stakeholders by providing news and information about the activities of the PangolinSG and by providing information about pangolins, their conservation and on-going research. It is also a source of scientific research related to pangolins and their conservation and provides details on how you can get involved.

Thank you for visiting and please get in touch if you can’t find what you’re searching for!

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